Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Betty Shamieh on Representations of Women in Theatre

The first thing she stated was that she hopes one day to be known mainly as a woman playwright, not only an Arab playwright.  She also noted that the meaning of being Arab American has changed since 9-11, and that Arab voices are now actively censored.  For those reasons, the Arab identity is even more front and center.  Shamieh emphasized that, of course she has had very specific life experience, and she can't claim to represent all Arabs or all Arab Americans. In being herself she breaks many stereotypes of Arabs as soon as people come in contact with her - for many she is the first Arab intellectual they have met (wow!).

Her lament was the non-representation of women in American Theatre - citing that a mere 16% of plays, which are actually produced, are written by women; the exact same amount which was true at the last turn of the century.  The late Christopher Hitchen's thesis that women are incapable of being funny was of particular concern to her.  She was comforted by the idea that he may be meeting Gilda Radner and Lucille Ball in heaven now.  She pointed out, however, that dominant culture codes such figures as exceptions - thus reinforcing the prevailing notions about women's abilities.

She reminded us of the prevalent stereotype that Arab/Muslim/Middle Eastern women are oppressed and downtrodden and explicated the problems that poses for American society.  For example, former First Lady Laura Bush used her position to bring the plight of Afghan women to light as a way to rally the U.S. left to support the war on Afghanistan.  She pointed out that in America 1 in 5 women are either raped or suffer sexual assault - from an outsider's perspective it would seem extreme, just as from a US perspective the situation in Afghanistan would seem extreme. 

She brought many excellent insights to bear on race, gender and class in American and Global society, but I will stop here.  The final piece which needs to be shared is that her play "Roar" will be read on stage tonight.  Please join us! http://breakinggroundroar730.eventbrite.com/

The Middle East Studies Center would like to express its appreciation to the Women's Place and the Department of Theatre for bringing Ms. Shamieh on campus and organizing these events.  

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Ali Mazrui, Talk on "Islam in Africa's Experience: Expansion, Revival & Radicalization"

While the Center of Islam, Mecca, is on the Arabian Peninsula and very close to Africa, scholarly attention and the media tend to focus on the Middle East and Asia in connection to the religion.  Professor Mazrui eloquently re-centered its history, placing its core, not only in West Asia, but in North Africa as well.

Among other fascinating points, Dr. Mazrui shared that Major Islamic centers of theology and higher learning, AlAzhar University in Cairo, and Fez, Morocco, are in Africa, for example. Major contributors to the early history of Islam, such as Usman, the third Sunni Caliph, spent significant portion of his life in what was then Abbysinia.

He also pointed out that the Muslim population of Nigeria is actually larger than that of Egypt and is one of the largest in the world. Africans and Muslims - two groups which are not mutually exclusive, but which overlap - have commonalities in regard to global struggles for power as well. 

It was a stimulating and potentially controversial talk.  One of the questions at the end was whether or not he faced hostility in the past at one of his public talks.  At an earlier point he had said "Nuclear weapons are not for Africans, Muslims or children under 16."  He explained that when he critiqued the actions of Israel he received complaints, but that he has the highest respect for Jewish people. That helped to address the pervasive stereotype that Muslims and Jewish people are against each other. 

The talk was organized by the Columbus Council on World Affairs, The Center for African Studies and the Middle East Studies Center at OSU.   We are very grateful to Professor Mazrui for agreeing to come as he is in demand all around the world for such engagements.

Link to view the talk: http://livestre.am/1iJYi